Provide recommendations regarding future developments of onshore CO2 storage in Europe
Existing pilot and demonstration sites enhance confidence in the ability of geological formations to safely store CO2 on a regional basis and local demonstration of CCS technology will encourage further project development. So far, onshore storage has been tested and demonstrated only at a few pilot sites in Europe (i.e. Ketzin, Lacq-Rousse, and recently Hontomín), which is deemed insufficient. A ZEP/CGS Europe study identified several promising opportunities for possible onshore storage pilots across Europe, based on proposals by partners with 19 potential onshore locations for pilot projects. There was a limited assessment of the probability of these pilot sites moving forward and as the CCS landscape changes rapidly. This will now be updated and the assessment of the likelihood of these storage pilots moving forward enhanced by considering a wider range of factors including regional circumstances and potential impact, variability of geological settings, comparison with successful projects etc.
A study focusing on onshore pilot/demonstration project opportunities across Europe will be prepared, delivering on a diverse portfolio of geological settings (covered / not covered so far) and regions with little CCS activity to date. The study will identify factors that have helped lead to a successful pilot or demonstration site and look for other sites where there is a good chance that success could be replicated. The aim is to seek out areas where the geological setting and other technical factors (e.g. CO2 sources, infrastructures etc.) are similar to existing successful pilot projects in order to identify regions likely to be favourable for future pilot projects or regions with potential to scale up to demonstration scale. This task will use data from existing pilot sites, key recommendations from other research projects (inter alia EU GeoCapacity, SiteChar, RISCS, CO2CARE, etc.) and build on the CGS Europe ‘State of Play of CCS’ report and the CGS Europe/ZEP report on potential pilot projects in Europe. A catalogue of the most prospective candidates for second generation pilots will be developed for a few regions that offer the greatest potential. These regions will be selected to provide representative and concise case studies to illustrate the possibilities. Direct links will be established with the ECCSEL Research Infrastructure, to whom ENOS will provide a written recommendation on future opportunities for second generation pilots.
The project will provide recommendations regarding future developments of onshore CO2 storage in Europe, including promising opportunities for future pilot/demo sites, and the identification of unused or underused geological settings in Europe with significant storage potential.