Technical guidelines on storage capacities estimates and cost-effective site characterisation

The Aims

This task aims at synthetizing all the results into technical guidelines regarding:

  • the impact of heterogeneities (faults and granulation seams) on storage capacities
  • the quantification of reliability of dynamic capacities including the large variety of different uncertainty sources (geological, model, parametric, etc.
  • smart characterization
  • light-equipment and low-cost drilling

BRGM will lead the task. Partners contributing will provide the description of technical or numerical tools, methodologies or workflow developed during the WP, highlighting their novelty compared to the state of the art. These results will be assessed by Sotacarbo considering their use and applicability in their own workflow at the Sulcis site. These guidelines will be presented into a comprehensive approach so that they could be useful for industrials or investors and be applied for future storage sites.