IGME is the Spanish Geological Survey, recognized as a Public Research Organization. IGME is in charge of the creation and sustainability of the national knowledge infrastructure in Earth Sciences. IGME develops activity in several fields as Geology, Hydrogeology, Mineral Resources, Environmental Geology or Geophysics. IGME staff reaches 375 workers, including over 200 university graduates
IGME will bring to the consortium expertise in induced seismicity studies, coming from previous works related to the Castor Natural Gas Storage studies, and faults natural activity, based on works developed in several active areas of Spain (Lorca and Ossa de Montiel recent earthquakes f.e.) IGME will also provide previous experience acquired in CGS Europe Project and others regarding workshops organization, participation in other networks and will keep on working in the development of new pilot opportunities.
CO2GeoNet-IGME is involved in:
WP1 Ensuring safe storage operations (Task 1.2 Induced seismicity: monitoring, control and hazard mitigation, and is Leader of the Subtask 1.2.1. Baseline and background of the fault activity)
WP5 Coordination with local communities (Task 5.1 Knowledge development and integration in a societal perspective)
WP6 International Cooperation & seeding pilots and demos in Europe (Task 6.2 European links, liaison and knowledge exchange; Task 6.3 Supporting new pilot and demonstration opportunities)
WP7 Spreading innovation for Research integration and Best practices
WP8 Promoting CCS through training and education (Task 8.4 Raising awareness by training workshops for journalists and media)
Calle de Ríos Rosas, 23, 28003 Madrid, Spain, Madrid