National Institute for Research and Development of Marine Geology and Geoecology - GeoEcoMar, established in 1993, represents the focal point of national excellence in research and consultancy on marine, coastal, river and lacustrine geology, geophysics and CO2 storage. Concerns relating to the CO2 geological storage began with the affiliation of the institute to ENeRG in 2001 and continued with participation in national and international projects related to CCS, culminating in becoming a member of the Global CCS Institute in 2010.
GeoEcoMar is also the founder member of CO2 Club in Romania (2007).
CO2GeoNet-GeoEcoMar is involved in:
2 of the 5 tasks in WP6. International Cooperation & seeding pilots and demos in Europe (Task 6.2 European links, liaison and knowledge exchange; Task 6.3 Supporting new pilot and demonstration opportunities)
2 of the 4 tasks in WP8. Promoting CCS through training and education (Task 8.1 Education and training for the European research community; Task 8.2 Building and providing an e-learning course)
Strada Dimitrie Onciul 23, București 030167, Romania, București