Advanced techniques for site characterisation

2nd workshop of Experience sharing Focus groups dedicated to “Advanced techniques for site characterisation”, 23 April 2018.
2nd workshop of Experience sharing Focus groups was dedicated to “Advanced techniques for site characterisation” and held as a side event of the CO2GeoNet Open Forum on 23 April 2018. The following topics were discussed, based on presentations of invited speakers:
- Introduction by Vit Hladik, ENOS WP6 leader;
- High-resolution offset VSP using fiber optic acoustic sensor – CO2CRC Otway Site, Australia (Athena Chalari - Silixa);
- Borehole geophysical characterisation in the framework of the ENOS project, monitoring feasibility and initial results (Flavio Poletto – OGS);
- The value of well testing and pressure monitoring in injection site characterisation (Anton Shchipanov – IRIS);
- Open borehole hydraulic and geomechanical well-test approaches (Mark Kelley – Battelle);
- Main achievements using light drilling applied to Hontomín site characterisation, technological gaps detected and future works (Carlos de Dios – CIUDEN).
Interview with Thomas Le Guenan, coordinator of the Experience Sharing Focus Groups