Storage site solutions: monitoring and verification

ENOS workshop dedicated to “Storage site solutions: monitoring and verification”, 26 April 2018
Around 60 researchers, storage site operators and other stakeholders attended this ENOS workshop on 26th April in Venice. The workshop was designed to share research needs identified by storage operators and to present tools and techniques being advanced by researchers in ENOS WP3 to identify areas of common interest. The event focused on monitoring measurement and verification (MMV) technologies used to monitor the zone above the reservoir to demonstrate containment.
During the first session, storage operators and storage site monitoring teams presented recent activities and identified what improvements they would like to see in the currently available suite of monitoring tools (including ideas for new tools and technologies). Presentations were given by Shell, Battelle, University of Illinois, GeoScience Australia, CIUDEN and CMC Research Institutes. During the second session, researchers presented tools being advanced through ENOS including groundwater and soil gas monitoring probes, microbiological and geochemical techniques, UAV-mounted and mobile CO2 detection tools, CO2 quantification technologies and efficient data interpretation and modelling techniques.
All presentations were short and lively, sharing a great deal of information about the state of play for monitoring, measurement and verification technologies for CO2 storage sites. Areas of common interest were identified and the tools being developed through ENOS the goals of storage operators for efficient, cost effective monitoring, but of course, there is always something new and exciting round the corner so hopefully new research partnerships will also develop following the post-workshop discussions.
Welcome and introduction
Ceri Vincent - BGS
ACT project “DETECT” and learnings from other CCS related activities in Shell
Marcella Dean - Shell
Optimization of onshore monitoring for industrial CCS: lessons learned from Decatur
Randall Locke - University of Illinois
Identified research gaps and technology needs for monitoring CO2 leakage at faults
Andrew Feitz - Geoscience Australia
Battelle’s monitoring experience from CO2 geological storage field projects
Mark Kelley - Battelle
Gaps in current monitoring strategies based on experience at Hontomin
Carlos de Dios - CIUDEN
Monitoring technologies for identification of CO2 migration pathways at shallow to intermediate depth
Amin Saeedfar - CMC Research Institutes
ENOS downhole groundwater monitoring
Keith Bateman - BGS
Advanced ENOS sampling & analysis techniques - soil gas monitoring
Tanya Goldberg - TNO
Advanced ENOS sampling & analysis techniques - using microorganisms for environmental monitoring
Catherine Boccadoro - IRIS
ENOS effective wide-areal CO2 detection techniques
Michela Vellico - OGS
ENOS CO2 emission quantification tools
Helen Taylor - BGS
Innovative ENOS soil gas techniques
Salvatore Lomabardi - Sapienza Uni.Rome
Advancing engineered constellation optic fibre through ENOS at Sotacarbo Fault Laboratory
Athena Chalari - Silixa
Integrated borehole survey
design for detection of migrating CO2 on fault planes at Sulcis Fault Lab
Flavio Poletto - OGS
Efficient analysis of real world data
Anton Shchipanov - IRIS