Extended application deadline: 31st March

Date & place: May, 22nd to 29th 2019 at Hontomin, Spain

The overall objective of this ENOS Spring School on CCS in Spain is to communicate knowledge, understanding of CO2 geological storage and aspects of CO2 that are required to respond to our climate change. We have an urgent duty to respond and meet the growing demand for a near zero emission. In this pursue, special emphasis will be placed on the European context. 

Target group: young scientists, e.g. PhD students and post docs with background in geology, engineering, geotechnologies. Master students will be considered on free chairs.

Deadline for applications: March 31st 2019.


Applicants are required to prepare:

  1. An application letter describing our interest in the course,
  2. CV,
  3. Recommendations from head of department, supervisor or mentor,
  4. Applicant’s email address.

 The forms shall be sent electronically to:

Niels E. Poulsen, GEUS email: nep@geus.dk

Please mark the subject field in the mail: Spring School 2019

More information and application