CO2 Geological Storage International Master - A.Y. 2019/2020

The call for Academic Year 2019-2020 is now open and the deadline is 15th of January 2020
The scientific community of the H2020 Project ENOS (Enabling Onshore Storage in Europe) announces that the application for the International Master Course on “CO2 Geological Storage” is open. The application deadline is 15/01/2020.
The course is hosted by Sapienza and Zagreb Universities, that signed the agreement for a double title diploma, and involves several Universities and Research Institutes, partners of ENOS: Heriot Watt University (UK), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), Geus (Danmark), University of Nottingham (UK), Ciuden (Spain), Sotacarbo (Italy) and Norce (Norway).
The goal of the course (60 credits, one year) is to provide the participants with the scientific and technical knowledge that needs to be addressed for the successful storage of CO2 into geological formations.
The program covers all aspects of the geological storage of CO2 so that the students can both understand the work of all specialists who will be involved in CCS projects (such as reservoir engineers/geologists, sedimentologists, stratigraphers, geophysicists, structural geologists, geochemical modelers, regulators, etc.) and further develop their own field of specialization.