Results of the Open Forum 2017

This document presents the 12th Open Forum and the workshops, and summarizes on event visibility and key messages.
The CO2GeoNet Association draws together key research institutes with CO2 storage and utilisation research expertise. Association now comprises 28 institutes from 21 European countries.
Acting as a "virtual institute" with more than 300 researchers involved in studies on the geological storage of carbon dioxide, its activities encompass joint research, training, scientific advice, information and communication.
CO2GeoNet plays a valuable and independent role in enabling the efficient and safe geological storage of CO2, and the annual Open Forum conference it organises, now in its 12th year, has become a “must-attend” event for stakeholders, including EU representatives, industry, regulators, public authorities, NGOs, and the research community. The open forum gives a unique opportunity to meet and interact directly with Europe’s largest group of researchers on CO2 geological storage. All the presentations held in the 12° CO2GeoNet Open Forum and the following workshops are available here.
The Open Forum is traditionally followed by a number of workshops, three of which, this year were dedicated to ENOS.
This document presents the open forum and the workshops, and summarizes on event visibility and key messages.