"Smart" drilling for CO2 storage sites - reduction of costs

2nd webinar of the ENOS Experience Sharing Focus Groups dedicated to the topic of "Smart" drilling for CO2 storage sites - reduction of costs
This second webinar of the ENOS Experience Sharing Focus Groups is dedicated to the topic of "Smart" drilling for CO2 storage sites - reduction of costs. This is especially relevant for newly prepared pilot and demonstration sites of all sizes where drilling of exploration, injection and monitoring wells represents a significant share of total project costs. Can we reduce costs by using other than traditional drilling technology common for oil & gas projects? Can we use slim hole wells? What will be the consequences for other well-based activities like well logging, sampling, size of cores for laboratory tests, installation of monitoring devices, etc.? These and other questions are discussed with the invited speakers and other webinar participants.
Experience with drilling of wells for CO2 storage sites are shared from:
- UNIS CO2 Lab at Longyearbyen, Svalbard (by Kim Senger, UNIS)
- Kansas Geological Survey, USA (by Eugene Holubnyak, KGS)
- Hontomín pilot CO2 storage site (by Carlos de Dios, CIUDEN)
Chairman: Vit Hladik, ENOS / Czech Geological Survey
Date: 28 March 2018