Public communication and engagement in the development of CO2 storage projects

(Making decisions together - Sapienza University of Rome - CERI - CC BY NC ND)
4th webinar of the ENOS Experience Sharing Focus Groups is dedicated to the topic of "public communication and engagement in the development of CO2 storage projects"
This fourth webinar of the ENOS Experience Sharing Focus Groups is dedicated to the topic of public communication and engagement in the development of CO2 storage projects.
As any industrial operation, the implementation of a CO2 storage project requires a robust communication plan, and in particular with the general public. If managing the potential opposition is often perceives as the primary goal, establishing a good relationship with local communities has far more benefits. The goal of this webinar is to present some real-life experience of public communication and engagement associated with a CO2 storage project, and to introduce key lessons-learned from these experiences and reviews. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.
9:00 – 9:10: Introduction of webinar - T. Le Guénan, BRGM / ENOS project
9:10 – 9:30: 360 degree Stakeholder Management – Aaron de Fina, CO2CRC
9:30 – 9:50: Taking the Lead from Citizens: Experiences of Co-producing Public Engagement with CCS – Wil Knight, Nottingham University / ENOS project
9:50 – 10:10: Community compensation in the context of carbon capture and storage: Key debates and current practices - Christine Boomsma, Leiden University / ALIGN CCUS project
10:10 – 10:30: Q&A session
Date: 4th June 2019